How to Remove Stains from Your Vehicle's Interior

posted 31 May, 2019 by Jackson Balling
Car Care
When you spend enough time in your car, stains are bound to pop up. Sometimes it seems like they come out of nowhere. Common cloth upholstery is the most frequent victim, but vinyl and leather can be ripe with hazards as well. Fortunately, many kinds of stains have become common enough to solve with an Internet search, but others are still tricky to handle on your own.
To properly confront the pesky stains in your vehicle, it’s important to understand the different solutions necessary to remove them.
As we’ve discussed before with paint spills, the best way to treat any stain is to remove as much as you can and as quickly as possible. If you’re just discovering the stain for the first time, odds are that you don’t have that luxury. In those cases, start by identifying the cause of the stain; only then can you begin to treat it specifically.

Most Common Stain Types:

In the case of beverage stains, such as juice, soda, coffee, and tea, the best thing you can do is treat with hot water, dish soap, and a clean rag. Other common stain removal mixtures include a mix of white vinegar and water, which can attack BBQ and tomato sauce stains, as well as ketchup. In the case of a rare blood stain in your upholstery or carpets, then hydrogen peroxide is the perfect choice for removal.
Of course, there are plenty of unexpected stains that can’t be handled with DIY tips and tactics. In our experience, items like crayons, chewing gum, spilled paint, and ink can pose a big enough problem to justify a more intensive service for your cloth or leather upholstery.
If your vehicle is suffering from these kinds of difficult stains, you don’t have to deal with them alone. Spiffy technicians are specifically trained to take care of your car’s stain removal, cleaning and maintenance needs with our proprietary equipment. With their help, you can bring the fight to those annoying stains directly and efficiently!
Interested in booking your first Spiffy appointment today? Don’t miss out on getting $20 off your first service!
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Posted in Car Care

Written by Jackson Balling

Jackson was Spiffy’s Content Marketing Manager from January 2019 to July 2022 and freelances for us now. Jackson brought over five years of professional experience in creative copywriting, audio production, and video editing to the Spiffy Marketing team.
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