Hi! I’m Maddie, a summer intern on the Marketing Team at Spiffy.
Are you curious to uncover the ins and outs of a day in the life of a Spiffy intern? Follow along to learn about my exciting journey, valuable lessons, and unforgettable experiences so far.
This blog will explore the behind the scenes realities, and the learning experiences that have shaped my professional growth. Whether you’re an aspiring marketing professional or are simply just curious to learn more about the inner workings of a dynamic company, I hope to provide helpful insights, knowledge, and advice that will leave you inspired.
Flexible Work Schedule and Collaborative Environment
One of the many perks of working for Spiffy is the flexible work schedule. Personally, I enjoy sticking to a routine so I try to arrive at the office around the same time every day. However, I enjoy having the option to adjust my schedule, coming in earlier or later to work around my commitments each day.
On the Marketing Team, we kick off our week with a team meeting to recap and celebrate our achievements from the previous week, go over our upcoming and ongoing projects, and set goals for the week ahead. These meetings help us stay on track and set the week up for success.

Following our team meetings, I like to set up my personal calendar for the week and create my own goals. This normally consists of creating a to-do list, checking my email, and setting my meeting schedule for the week to ensure a productive week.
Importance of Breaks: Lunch Discussions
We also meet weekly for a Friday team lunch. We normally use this time to relax, talk about our weekend plans, and occasionally embark in a “lunch and learn” where we spend the hour discussing a specific topic. One of my favorites was our AI lunch and learn where we discussed the uprising of AI technologies and how each of us is using them in our work. These lunch and learn sessions fuel our creativity and inspire innovative thinking throughout the team.
Outside of meeting time, I have the freedom to dedicate my day to working on ongoing projects and assignments. This flexibility allows me to explore my creativity, complete assignments at my own pace, and contribute to the team’s collective goals as well as my own.
During my lunch break I have the opportunity to eat with some of the other interns and learn their respective projects. Our lunchtime conversations allow us to learn from each other’s diverse experiences and unique perspectives. It’s a great time for inspiration, forming connections, and providing a break in the middle of the day.
The inclusive culture at Spiffy provides an environment of flexibility, collaboration, and growth, which is a perfect platform for interns to grow and make a meaningful contribution.
Personal and Professional Growth Opportunities at Spiffy
During my time at Spiffy, I have acquired valuable life lessons, made many connections, and expanded my understanding of the field of marketing. Engaging in an in-person work experience has helped me prepare immensely for my future career endeavors.
One of the many insights I’ve gained is how to budget my time and prioritize certain tasks over others. Each day I allocate a certain amount of time working on different assignments to make sure I am effectively managing my workload and meeting deadlines. Not only has this increased my efficiency at work, but it has also equipped me with a valuable skill that will benefit me in my future career.
Moreover, one of the most interesting parts of being an intern at Spiffy is being able to connect with professionals from diverse teams and learn about their respective roles. This has allowed me to develop a better understanding of how each team operates and learn from experienced individuals. As a college student still exploring career paths, this has been very helpful in guiding me through that process.

Maddie and CEO, Scot Wingo, discussing the different roles at Spiffy
Being a part of Spiffy has not only expanded my knowledge of marketing but also various other fields. This position has provided me with valuable work experience and equipped me with essential skills for life and the workplace.
Overall, this journey has offered me many opportunities for growth, creativity, and personal development. The experiences and skills I have gained here will undoubtedly lead me to success as I begin my career journey.
Tips and Tricks for Aspiring Interns
Throughout my internship at Spiffy I have learned to explore new projects, seek mentorship, and continuously adapt to improve. My advice for anyone pursuing an internship or someone that is just starting their career is to approach every opportunity with an open mind, be willing to make mistakes, and create meaningful connections with people throughout the organization. Being an intern is more than just doing your work and getting it done quickly. It’s about learning how to communicate in the workplace, exploring new ideas, and so much more.
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Posted in Business