On-demand economy thought leader and CEO of Spiffy, Scot Wingo, had two articles published this week about customer experience and the idea of “Do-It-For-Me”.
In Business.com, Scot’s article “Do-It-For-Me: The Next Evolution of the On-Demand Economy” discusses the growing Do-It-For-Me (DIFM) movement and how companies can better cater to this. Scot shares a few key tips such as creating zero-friction customer experiences, understanding the DIFM users, and more.
Read the full article here!
In the article “Win Customers’ Loyalty by Saving Them Time” Scot touches on the idea of customers valuing time over money. Scot discusses how saving time is becoming an important factor for customers, and is proven right with popular companies such as Netflix and Uber. Scot ends the article with several tips on how you can save your customer’s time.
Read the full article here!
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