As an on-site car care solution, we’ve been fortunate to have had so many great experiences in office parks across our core markets. Not only do we enjoy being an amenity for employees, but also a part of community happenings, such as this week’s Touch a Truck event at North Hills in Raleigh.
This annual occurrence provided a wide range of vehicles for kids to gain some hands-on experience with. For example, they were able to go inside of the cabins of garbage trucks, cement trucks, police cars, and fire trucks alike. Others, such as Two Men and a Truck, offered them the opportunity to move and play with boxes inside the back of their truck.

Those who made their way over to our Spiffy van were able to spray down a purple Jeep Wrangler, courtesy of our intern Jess! We brought all of our equipment along, which gave the kids a chance to try washing cars for themselves.

While our water supply didn’t last as long as we expected, any late arrivals were able to play with bubbles from the soap - since the products we use are both eco- and kid-friendly.
Beyond the touching of trucks, this event featured a bouncy house as well as multiple booths with balloon animals and snow cones. We will be returning to North Hills for next week’s Mascot Day and hope to see Spiffy fans at more kid-focused events in the future!
Are you interested in bringing Spiffy to your office park or property? Beyond being great with the kids, we’re happy to be the convenient, trusted, professional and green on-demand car care solution chosen by Property Managers cost-to-coast.
Posted in Lifestyle