Spiffy x Turo Media Round-up

posted 26 May, 2020 by Jackson Balling
News, Disinfection
Last week, we were thrilled to announce our partnership with Turo! As their guests and hosts look to get back on the road, our team at Spiffy is well-equipped to disinfect their vehicles in 20 markets across the country.
In case you missed the news, we’ve compiled a collection of articles from various press outlets for your reading pleasure!
“Dealing with a crisis is not new for serial entrepreneur and investor Scot Wingo. Over a career dating back 30 years he and his companies – from ecommerce play ChannelAdvisor to on-demand car maintenance startup Get Spiffy – have faced the fallout from 9/11, he ‘dotcom’ boom and bust, the 2008-9 financial crisis and now COVID-19. But the pandemic and the ensuing economic crash has been … well, to say the least, a nightmare.”
“Turo’s network represents over 14 million people and their 450,000-plus vehicles across the US, Canada, and the UK.
“‘The best way to recover is innovate and to make new offerings and partnerships like this to replace the revenue that’s been lost,’ said Wingo, a four-time founder whose s hunkered down before, living through 9/11, the dot-com bubble burst in 2008, the recession, and now a pandemic.
“He’s confident he’ll come out on top again.”
“With restrictions easing and markets opening back up in many states, some consumers may begin utilizing shared mobility services, including car-sharing during travel.
“Still, it would be natural for users of such platforms to be concerned about vehicle cleanliness and safety against COVID-19.
“That’s where a partnership between Spiffy and Turo announced Monday comes into play.
“Spiffy has partnered with Turo to offer vehicle disinfection services to hosts and users of the peer-to-peer car-sharing marketplace.”
“For Spiffy, the partnership with Turo is a logical expansion of its car rental segment and one that Wingo is particularly excited to develop.
“‘We don’t know Turo as well in this region of the country, but in the automotive technology space Turo is one of the rising stars – even though they hit some speed bumps due to the pandemic. They’re a unicorn; they’re well respected in the Bay Area and they’ve received hundreds of millions of dollars of investment,’ he says.”
As companies across the US begin the steady return to the office, our team at Spiffy is prepared to offer disinfection services to put your mind at ease. 
Be sure to stay tuned for more news and announcements as the year goes on!

Posted in News, Disinfection

Written by Jackson Balling

Jackson was Spiffy’s Content Marketing Manager from January 2019 to July 2022 and freelances for us now. Jackson brought over five years of professional experience in creative copywriting, audio production, and video editing to the Spiffy Marketing team.
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