Billing Made Easy with The Spiffy Fleet App

posted 19 March, 2018 by Morgan Metzger

As a Fleet Manager, the last thing you want to worry about is collecting, organizing, and paying for all your different maintenance bills. While managing large fleets it gets difficult to keep track of and adds unnecessary time to your already busy day. Especially using multiple vendors, billing can become extremely tedious. Fleet care consists of washing, detailing, oil changes, vinyl removal, and more which can easily be spread across several vendors, turning scheduling into more of a hassle. Spiffy sets out to fix this, by offering all of these solutions in a convenient app that simplifies scheduling and billing.


With Spiffy’s Fleet App, billing is made simple. You no longer have to worry about collecting and organizing. This zero-cost app seamlessly schedules your services and tracks billing, spells out all charges and making paying simple. Even better, Spiffy will work with you for maintenance/billing plans that work best for you.

Fleet Managers love this feature because it’s simple, easy-to-use, and hassle free. Spiffy your fleet today!

Learn More about Spiffy Fleet Care

Posted in Business

Written by Morgan Metzger

Lover of coffee, the Wolfpack, and all things Spiffy. Spreading happiness and clean cars through each tweet, blog and Instagram post.