First responders, entrepreneurs, and small business owners will almost all tell you this is the most challenging time of their careers. Even when you watch your friends and colleagues file for unemployment, it’s difficult to comprehend the loss of livelihoods caused by this pandemic, not to mention the despair brought on by the loss of lives. We all need a little good news right now.
Spiffy got to be a part of that today, and we are deeply honored that ABC News Live shared our story on their "small business strong" segment. Now we get to share it with you.
“My advice to the small business owners, talk to your customers: how is this pandemic affecting them?”@GetSpiffy, an on-demand car care service, found a new way to help those in need during the pandemic by adding disinfection services for their customers.
— ABC News Live (@ABCNewsLive) April 29, 2020
Scot Wingo and Karl Murphy started Spiffy six years ago in Durham, NC. The mission was clear, to change the car wash and detailing experience everywhere, specifically looking for a 10x improvement over the status quo.
With that goal, Spiffy employees listened to the customer first. That’s how we evolved from mobile car wash & detailing to on-demand car care, everything from oil changes to tires, glass, and other maintenance. It’s also how our fleet business grew into Fleet Management as a Service.
Our fleet clients felt the effects of COVID-19 first and asked us to help decontaminate vehicles and protect their drivers. We evolved and made vehicle disinfection happen.
Those same clients realized their storefronts had been compromised and again asked if we could help. We evolved and made facilities disinfection happen.
Like most start-ups worldwide, business is still down but it’s coming back. We are recalling furloughed employees and making a real difference in the fight against COVID-19. And that is good news.
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