How Facilities Disinfection Brings Employees Back to Work with Confidence

posted 26 March, 2020 by Jackson Balling
Facilities, Disinfection
A truck and equipment rental company had a challenge - a customer that had been inside their storefront office tested positive for COVID-19 and they received an alert to take action. The company was already protecting their drivers with Spiffy's vehicle disinfection and protection services, and reached out to see if we could help with their office, too. 
The transition from vehicle disinfection to facilities disinfection was smooth because the chemicals we use to fight COVID-19 on vehicle hard and soft surfaces are effective anywhere, not just a car’s interior. In fact, these chemicals were designed for hospital grade disinfection, and we adapted them for vehicle services.
COVID-19 and The Need for Facilities Disinfection
Two studies published this month agree that COVID-19 can persist on inanimate surfaces, but disagree on the timeframes. The first, from the Journal of Hospital Infection, determined the virus persists from 2 hours to as many as nine days. The second, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, found greater viability on different surfaces, including up to:
  • 3 hours in the air
  • 4 hours on copper/metal surfaces
  • 24 hours on cardboard
  • 2-3 days on plastic and stainless steel
No matter how you slice it, you are either proactive or accept a higher risk of infection in your facilities. As stories continue to pop up regarding companies sending workers home, employees testing positive for COVID-19, or entire warehouses  shutting down, the window to act is minimal and shrinking fast.
Spiffy Facilities Disinfection to the Rescue
While the office closed for a day, Spiffy disinfected and protected all of the hard and soft surfaces with our two-step Spiffy SHIELD service. We chose this product, among others, based on several factors, such as effectiveness to 99.999%, product application, and fragrance. Most importantly, the long-term protection from microorganisms that can act as hosts to viruses lasts up to 3 months.
This gave both the office staff and potential customers the confidence that all hard and soft surfaces were completely disinfected and free of lingering COVID-19 viral bodies. It made them comfortable coming back to work. 

Spiffy On-Demand Car Care - Sanitized Services

As businesses strive to protect their employees and customers, the protection factor can make all the difference. 
If you want to proactively protect your office with a SHIELD component or disinfect in reaction to a specific event, we are here to help. Click below to learn more. 
Learn More About Spiffy Facilities Disinfection

Posted in Facilities, Disinfection

Written by Jackson Balling

Jackson was Spiffy’s Content Marketing Manager from January 2019 to July 2022 and freelances for us now. Jackson brought over five years of professional experience in creative copywriting, audio production, and video editing to the Spiffy Marketing team.
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