Scot Wingo Talks Digital Servicing on CBT News

posted 28 February, 2023 by Justin Mitchiner
News, Digital Servicing

Following our recent announcement of a $30 million Series C funding boost, we sat down with CBT News to discuss how we plan to drive innovation and growth in the mobile automotive services industry. Our CEO, Scot Wingo, shared his insights along with The Presidio Group Managing Director, Keith Style. Read on for highlights or click below to watch the full interview.

Here are three of our favorite interview moments.

Three Ways Spiffy Can Help Automotive Dealers

Keith Style noted three ways that Spiffy can help dealers during the CBT news interview: expanding the labor pool, increasing service bay capacity, and improving the customer experience. Spiffy was built around 4 megatrends, and the rise of the convenience-oriented consumer is the biggest one. Understanding these unique customer needs can help dealers grow their businesses and stay ahead of the competition.

The Future of Automotive Repair

During the interview, Jim Fitzpatrick made an interesting comment about the future of auto repair, suggesting that it's moving towards more convenient and flexible services. He said, "It’s the future of automotive repair - it comes to you; you don't have to go to it." This statement echoes the sentiment that is shared by many industry experts and is reflected in Spiffy's DNA. By offering mobile services, Digital Servicing allows customers to get their auto repairs done wherever they are, without having to go to a physical location. It's a trend that is going to continue shaping the industry in the years to come.

Validating the Digital Servicing Business Model

Putting the customer first is key to our success. Keith Style emphasized our commitment to validating the Digital Servicing business model by leveraging real-time customer feedback to continuously improve and expedite the rollout of technology improvements that will improve profitability and meet the ever-changing needs of Dealer Groups, customers, and business partners.

Get Started with Digital Servicing Today

If you’re interested in learning more about how Spiffy's Digital Servicing solution can help you meet your customers where they are, click below to get started today.

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Posted in News, Digital Servicing

Written by Justin Mitchiner

Justin is a Senior Content Marketing Specialist with Spiffy's Marketing Team. He enjoys gaming, content creation, and coffee....lots of coffee.